dance class

by cyberBlack provides the latest news | 02.10 in |

We practice and promote traditional folk dances from all over Indonesia, including: Bali, Java, Sulawesi, Sumatra and many other provinces. Our four volunteer instructors have many years of experience in performing various dance styles. Our dance repertoires include Cendrawasih, Sekar Jagat, Puspanjali, Saman, Yapong, Pepoinaya, Gelang Soko and many more.

We have ongoing dance class and rehearsals throughout the year. All club participants will be asked to perform in upcoming local community events such as Festivals, Newark Nite, Community Day, various parades and other ICC sponsored events. This participation, however, is not mandatory. We only ask the participants who we feel are ready to perform.

For classes we do ask that each participant wears comfortable clothing. Sarongs are optional; if you don’t own a sarong, we have many that you can borrow for practice.

Class and rehearsals are typically held every other Sunday from 3-5 PM. Please see our event calendar for our rehearsal schedule. Remember that your 1st class is FREE, so come and join us!

To book us for cultural events or any private functions, please send your request to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or go to our Contact page. Performance donations (if any) will be applied to the further advancement of ICC activities and cultural programs throughout the year.

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